The dastardly duo are about to unleash their most monstrous play, from their secret lunar base they intend to launch an invasion that'll make them masters of the world. Neutralized by deadly glooming rays, Earth's forces are powerless,until the Dragons join the Toads! Take a toadacious trip with the dream ticket as those terrific twins Billy and Jimmy Lee team up with Zitz, Rash and Pimple against the combined might of the gruesome twosome and their mindless minions, Big Blag, Abobo, Robo-Manus and Roper, in a toadally terminal new adventure!
Here are the controls:
A Button - Jump
B Button - PunchKickAttack
X Button - PunchKickAttack
Y Button - Jump
Right - Move to the right
Left - Move to the left
Up - Move up
Down - Move down
Pressing Right or Left twice quickly will make your character run. While running you can press the attack button to headbuttjump kick your opponent. To jump kick without running first press the jump button and while in the air press the punchkickattack button.