Calcy IV 2.51f

Calcy IV 2.51f

Version: 2.51f


Latest update: 24.10.2018

• 2.51f: Support for Lucky Ones. • Previously: Automatically read the colors of the catch circle to detect the level in the Catch-Screen (beta) . • More Forms, Friendship levels in Raid counter calculation. • Catch Screen Customization, Battle Simulator

The description of Calcy IV

• Reads IV, move-ratings, and appraisal from the screen• Raid and gym counter - shows your perfect counters vs a raid boss - includes WEATHER buffs and BREAKPOINTS• Renaming: Copy an adjustable nickname (e.g. with type symbols and calculated values)• Gym badge progress re... see more
Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV Calcy IV