FrostWire - Torrent Downloader 1.8.2

FrostWire - Torrent Downloader 1.8.2

Version: 1.8.2

Req: 4.1 and up

Latest update: 27.02.2018

FrostWire 1.8.2 - OCT/28/2016 - New haptic feedback on most important actions - Settings: New 'Select All' checkbox to select/unselect active search engines - Music player notification background is now white - New Send Feedback button from About screen - jlibtorrent - applovin 6.3.2 update - inmobi 6.0.0 update - Translation updates for Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Polish, Chinese, Hindi and Dutch - Crash fixes

The description of FrostWire - Torrent Downloader

FrostWire Basic is a re-imagined free Torrent Client / MP3 Music and Video Downloader / designed with an everyday user in mind, but with fast download speeds to satisfy even the most demanding downloaders.What makes it so different? The built-in torrent search!With other Torrent clients you have to... see more
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