************ IF YOU GET AN ERROR MESSAGE DO THIS: Apply the default (system) theme first, then REBOOT and apply Genesis Theme and REBOOT again. **********
*** INFO ***
This theme works with AOKP/CM9/10/10.2/11 and it fully supports [XHDPI/HDPI] screen resolutions! It also works with ParanoidAndroid. Of course it works with higher resolutions too but you may see few issue. If you do please report them.
*** HOW TO ***
Once you download the Genesis theme, go to setting/Themes or Theme Manager,
find the Genesis theme and apply it!
If you get an error message: apply the default theme first then reboot and apply the Genesis theme and reboot again.
*** ABOUT ***
As i already wrote above this theme fully works with XHDPI and HDPI!
What you'll get with this theme?
New keyboard Design
New Clean and Elegant look Softkeys
New Statusbar Notification Design with Sleek Quick Settings
New Default Wallpaper
New Statusbar Icons (4.4+ Battery Icon will come soon)
New Camera User Interface (Only for Android 4.1 for now)
New Transparent Power Widget
New Design for the Dialer, Settings and the whole SystemUI (4.4+ support will come soon)
Small Apk Size With a Lot of Images
and many more you'll discover yourself...!
*** CONTACT ***
If you have any issues please contact on giannisgn89@gmail.com
Also you can follow me on "Google+" to get the latest update for my upcoming themes!
Enjoy the theme!