N.E.R.D.S. 1.2

N.E.R.D.S. 1.2

Version: 1.2

Req: 2.2 and up

Latest update: 01.05.2018

This version brings you awesome changes! We've added many things for you to enjoy: . . * Single player mode with plenty of objectives to keep you amused for hours and sharpen your skills. * Personal stats to check anything and everything you did in the game. * History with players to give you an idea on the number of games played, won and lost with your opponents. * Cool new avatars. * Lots of bug fixes and a faster way to play. * Completely redesign the interface. * Easier log-in and fast

The description of N.E.R.D.S.

Didn't we all have this, a NERD classmate in high school? The poor fellow we ignored all year long but rushed to befriend just before the exams. It's your chance now to become a NERD, a popular one, and beat your friends to show them who's the boss that everyone wants to rush to! N.E.... see more
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