Version: 1.5.2
Req: 5.0 and up
Latest update: 30.11.-0001
The description of
Oxygen - Layers Theme
This theme will bring over your android 6.x.x - 7.x.x device with OMS/RRO Legacy support the Oneplus Two and Oneplus X/3 UI style with the possibility to switch with dark and black background and choose the accent that you want.This is a theme, not other. It works with android 6.x.x-7.x.x, with and...
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This theme will bring over your android 6.x.x - 7.x.x device with OMS/RRO Legacy support the Oneplus Two and Oneplus X/3 UI style with the possibility to switch with dark and black background and choose the accent that you want.
This is a theme, not other. It works with android 6.x.x-7.x.x, with and without OMS commits. To use this theme you must install substratum app from this link:
It contains boot animations, ui sound, wallpapers and overlays. If you run it in legacy mode you can only use the last two features.
It support icon pack generator
"Icon Pack Generator community:"
This theme contain basically 4 variants:
OP2= Inspired from OxygenOS 2.x.x UI for Oneplus 2.
OP3= Same as Oneplus X and Oneplus 3, if you have an amoled display this is the right choice to save battery.
Ozone= Inspired from new OOS beta release, this is a dark variant.
Ozone Light= Inspired by the new OOS beta release, this is the default variant.
Ozone White= Inspired by the new OOS beta release, this is the light variant.
How to use:
- Install theme. Very important!
- Open Substratum app.
- Uninstall all installed overlays.
- Go into Oxygen theme, select overlays and choose firstly on the top the variant that you want.
- After that select the overlays for specific application.
- To change the color accent search for android system overlay, select the color that you want and install android system overlay, you can also change statusbar color. For some application, as dialer, need to be installed a other variants (Marshmallow o Nougat, default is nougat) to avoid force close.
- If you wish to switch to other variant make sure to uninstall or disable other overlays.
PLEASE NOTE: This theme will not work in devices with Lucky Patcher installed. Uninstall it and support the work of all developers. If you don’t want to pay for other people works simply don’t use it.
NOTE NOTE!!! If you have a problem, every problem, with my applications please don’t leave negative reviews. I’m here, you can contact me via email and i will try to fix your problem.
WARNING! Some users report bootloop on stock android 7.1.1. rom on nexus devices, seems to be a common issue. To fix that flash Rescue (Legacy in this case) zip in substratum folder.
OxygenOS is not supported!
For best result use this theme with an android rom with OMS commits and Theme Ready Gapps by Team BlackOut installed. You can also run this theme without these requirements but expect bugs that i can’t fix.
Theme Ready Gapps by Team BlackOut
- App Google.
- Google Now Launcher.
- Calculator.
- Contacts.
- Dialer.
- Keyboard. (Material Light and Material Dark Themed)
- AOSP Mms.
- AOSP Calendar.
- Documents UI.
- Nougat Framework.
- Marshmallow Framework.
- Lollipop Framework.
- System UI (Navigation bar and Quick settings icons colors).
- Google Calculator.
- Google Contacts.
- Google Dialer.
- Google Keyboard (Material Light and Material Dark Themed).
- Google Package Installer.
- Gmail.
- Google Calendar.
- Google Allo.
- Pixel Launcher.
- Google Inbox.
- Google Play Store.
- Google Plus.
- Google Drive.
- Google Photo.
- Google Messenger.
- Hangouts Theme Ready.
- Google Play Music.
- Package Installer.
- Phone.
- Settings.
- YouTube.
- XDA Labs.
- Substratum.
- Original accent colors from OnePlus X and OnePlus 2.
- Wallpapers, Boot animations and UI Sounds.
GPApps Google+