somewhatPOOL 1.42nn

somewhatPOOL 1.42nn

Version: 1.42nn

Req: 1.6 and up

Latest update: 04.05.2018

Removed ads and all cheevos etc. - just the basic game now

The description of somewhatPOOL

somewhatPOOL is all about potting with skill.Balls increase in value when they collide, you score more for bankshots, ricochets, potting more than 1 ball in a single shot and even potting the cueball itself can earn points!!Play by shots or against or the clock - it only looks like Pool, somewhat... see more
somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL somewhatPOOL