Version: 24
Req: 2.3.3 and up
Latest update: 07.03.2018
The description of
VR The Valley of Hell.first
This is Virtual Reality experience about Hell.When you run the app, the music starts on a dark screen.Move around your mobile device so that you can see the letters which will show you the way you have to go while exploring the darkness of the hell.Please notice that you need google cardboard in ad...
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This is Virtual Reality experience about Hell.
When you run the app, the music starts on a dark screen.
Move around your mobile device so that you can see the letters which will show
you the way you have to go while exploring the darkness of the hell.
Please notice that you need google cardboard in addition to your mobile device.
For a better experience, make sure your device volume is not too low.
( Some parts of the audio could be guite impressive to sensible users though)
There's nothing else to say but explore it yourself.
Please rate.
Thank you!
지옥에 관한 VR experience 입니다. (구글 카드보드 용 )
앱을 실행하면 어두운 화면에 음악이 시작됩니다.
주변을 둘러보면 글씨가 보이기 시작하고 잠시 후에 지옥 세계가 펼쳐집니다!
이것을 경험 할 때 조금 혐오스러울 수 있으니 주의하시기 바랍니다.
그리고 체험을 극대화 하기 위해 당신의 폰의 볼륨을 조금 높이길 권장합니다.
그럼, 준비가 되었다면 색다른 VR experience 지옥 경험이 되길 바랍니다.
개발자 연락처 :
VR 앱 개발
[email protected]